Yes, I have to admit. I was being quiet recently. It was quite an episode and a busy time in January.

Alhamdulillah, praises to The Lord that I’m able to write again at this moment. I miss you, my readers. But also, I’ve missed myself in those quiet time.
Also in that time, I embarked in the journey of hybernation. Like bears, you know. They take time (once a year I think) to hibernate during winter (there, now I’m sure it’s once per year.)
I was always reluctant to embrace hybernation as I thought it is for the weak - which is something I’m most afraid of portraying to people around me. Gotta work on that issue, I know. My mind is always busy with, “I got to do this, owh this hasn’t been done yet, should I do those instead” kind of thing.
So obviously I need to put a stop to that and collect back my thoughts. The only thing I’ve kept myself occupied and focused on was my work. Since January is the time where I need to work on some company’s restructuring projects, I took the liberty to stay on track with that one.
Alhamdulillah the workloads are now becoming more manageable and easier to work on. If there’s one thing I can be proud of in January, it is the hardwork I’ve done and it paid off. Not in money, but in satisfaction of achieving.
What was I up to during hybernation?
A few things. I reduced my social media appearance, stayed home and allowed all my negative emotions ran through me before driving it out of my system. What else - yes, I also went back to my hometown a couple of times to spend time with my family. Very therapeutic and refreshing. In the simplicity of familyhood I was able to find joy. All praises to The Lord.
While playing with my nieces & nephews, driving my mom around - I had been thinking about my thoughts. Grouping them into which one is high in priority followed by the medium and lower. Sounds simple, yet very effective and easy to (not realising that we’ve forgot to do it).
Well, I think that’s it for now. Whoever is reading this, THANK YOU. Sincerely :). I hope we’re always under the protection and mercy of Him navigating through our everyday lives.
InshaaAllah I’ll come back with another post not long after this one.
Assalamualaikum & good day to you.
ReplyDeleteHappy to hear everything went well..Alhamdulillah
Hibernation..bear..for weak person...hermm
Mukmin..sentiasa mengislahkan diri..supaya mereka dapat mempertingkan diri, dan hubungan dengan Allah...
Sepertiga malam, antara waktu hibernasi, sunyi, yang paling baik untuk manusia itu...merenung..muhasabah diri...berkhalwat...lantas tenggelam dalam kerinduan dan nikmat percintaan antara hamba dan penciptanya...
Dan ia sekali kali tidak mempotret akan kelemahan seseorang, malah ia adalah waktu bagi diri...mencari kekuatan .menempuh apa sahaja dugaan dan cabaran yang dilaluinya...
Dan bila hatimu gusar, gundah gelana, sentiasalah mengingatiNya...bertasbih dan bertahlil...bertakbir memuji kebesarannya...bertahmid akan segala nikmat, thought and path that HE shows and guide you...make it ease for us, in anything that we done...HIS focus to us..memberi kekuatan supaya kita MAMPU zahirnya berkerja keras...
Terima kasih Allah kerna memudahkan urusan beliau...
Alhamdulillah. Such great words & advice. Terima kasih kerana mengingatkan tentang pentingnya sujud kepadaNya di sepertiga malam. May He bless you for your kindness.
ReplyDeleteLama sungguh hibernate...;(