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Control Freak

For those who is out there who is a control freak (like how I used to be), hear this message if possible.

Don't beat yourself up for something that is not within your control.

Yes, the culprit here.

Here's a website I recently discovered that talks passionately about mental illness and how they can help you deal with it. Soonest I laid my eyes on it, I'm just in love.

I mean at this age / era, we live our lives like being on a busy highway. 

At times we forgot to stop by the R&R to refresh ourselves and we then become tired as we non-stop driving ourselves through, and what's the worst that could happen? 

Accident. Yes accidents that most of the time can cause injuries, at times recoverable and sometimes, fatal. 

So like being on a highway, we need to learn to - every now and then stop at the R&R to heal, refresh and recollect our thoughts about life. 

In the race of being the best version of ourselves, it's undeniably easy for us to get too caught up with it.

What does all that got to do with mental illness? 

My point is simple, if we're not careful navigating or managing (or worst, ignore) our stress during its earlier stage, one of the worst things that could happen is it leads us to mental illness.

I have - at one point in my life, thought to myself, "Am I now at the verge of being crazy? That's it, I'm losing it." 

I don't know how many people out there who may have come to this moment in their lives too, but if any of you did, please take a step back and recollect your mind.

Take a step back and start to count your blessings. The Almighty God is always listening to us, to you. 

Check back at if during those times, you may have for a while, forgotten to speak to Him.

In my belief, I've found that each time I'm far away from connecting with my Creator (via my prayers, or acts that would make me closer to Him), those are the times where I usually became vulnerable to feeling stressful, depressed.

So the answer to me is to fix back my deeds, was it leaning towards bringing me away or closer to him. And so I try to work my way back to Him. It is a repeated cycle that it's hard for me to unnotice the pattern after repeating it for a good amount of times.😅

What was it for you? What triggers your stress and what usually is/are the remedy/ies for you. I would like to know if you fancy sharing :).

On that note, I'll put down my digital pen for now. And I pray that all of us living in this age are becoming better and better at managing our lives. 

Balancing responsibilities with self-care, physically and mentally. 

For you who are reading this, take care. Really, take care. 

And remember, never beat yourself up for something out of your control. 

Reach out to people and more importantly, to God when things are too much for you to handle.

Lots of Love,

Assalamualaikum & peace be upon you.


  1. Waalaikumusalam..good advice..

    "Hanya dengan mengingati Allah, hati menjadi tenang"

    Lots of love too :)

  2. Alhamdulillah. Thanks for dropping by :)


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